Saturday 9 February 2008

A Day in the Life of ME!!!

My day starts when i first notice the light coming through my window. I twist and turn just to stare at it. A little while later I start calling for someone to notice me and Daddy comes and gets me out of my cot. He plays with me and makes me laugh by pulling funny faces at me.
After a short time, I start to get a little hungry and so I call for food. Mummy comes and gives me the best tasting drink ever! After my breakfast my nappy gets changed and mummy and I wave goodbye to daddy. I then get to go on my jungle gym that nanna pattie gave me. I really love looking at the mirror. After a while I get bored and mummy then reads to me from a number book. I feel a little tired and mummy puts me in my cot. I love sleeping on my belly. It is so comfortable.
I wake up really hungry and feeling a little grumpy. Mummy just can't be quick enough to feed me and so I start grizzling at her.
After my mid-morning snack mummy puts me on her lap and sings to me. My favorite song at the moment is "twinkle twinkle little star." I love the way mummy's fingers twinkle as she sings it. Sometimes mummy reads to me from her books - they look interesting with all the black and white things on them. I love my mummy time! She tickles me and makes funny faces at me, she dances with me and even takes me into the kitchen to play with all of the containers. I especially like the orange cup that mummy puts water in for me. Water doesn't taste as nice as milk but is nice and cool when my mouth hurts.
Mummy says that I sleep around 5 times during the day with a big sleep at lunch time.
In the afternoon daddy comes home and plays with me. I love it when he makes silly faces at me and tickles me with his face and nose. He even pretends to eat me and I laugh and grab his hair.
Just before bedtime I have a bath. I kick and splash and try to put my head under the water. Mummy has a new toy for me in the bath that squirts at me. After the bath I get massaged and get into my night clothes.
This week I started copying mummy and daddy by opening and closing my mouth and moving my tongue. They got so excited that I did it again and again. This is how I have started asking for my blue plastic friend that goes in my mouth and makes me feel better. Mummy and Daddy must not like it because they call it a dummy.
Most of my days are filled with all of this activity and some days are even busier. After every seven days I get to play with a nice lady called Tracy. It is lots of fun but I do not always enjoy the car ride home as I am really tired.
I have to go now. Mummy has let me know it is time to sleep and is putting me into my cot.
What a life!


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