Saturday 21 August 2010

Sports Carnival

Sharlene's school had their sports carnival yesterday. Sharlene was busy most of the day helping with long jump and shotput events. Her house (Flinders) came second overall this year. The boys and I were invited to the team parade. Flinders dressed in chinese theme because there was going to be a surprise...
Here's Sharlene walking in her house colours.

Here's the surprise, a dragon...
...which had Zem spellbound. (And slightly concerned).

Back at the 'Coolie camp', everyone was getting ready for their events.

Azariah also decided to limber up...

Friday 20 August 2010


I'm a happy fellow right now. Zem has started calling me "daddy" (clearly) for the first time! This means that he is finally forming the "d" sound with his tongue and lips. Nearly three years in the making but it sounds sooo good!

Monday 9 August 2010

Hockey Gala Day

Sharlene and I played as part of eight teams. Sharlene's team came second last (after a playoff for the wooden spoon) and my team came third overall.

Here's Sharlene defending...

...and me directing traffic.
