Thursday 23 July 2009

Sifting rocks

On Sunday and Monday, Zemmy and I began to remove some of the rock paths around two of our gardens. We are leveling them out in order to turf them later in the week. After first weeding the rocks, we scooped it from the weed matting, into the wheelbarrow and then sifted the rock from the soil. Of course, Zemiel wanted to throwing all the rocks he could, out of the wheelbarrow and onto the driveway! After everything, he was so dirty that we decided to rinse him off in the laundry tub rather than let him in the house.

One of Zemiel's favourite things to do is sit by the dog's food bowl and water bucket. He picks up the food pellets and drops them into the water. After a short time, (and some stirring - and saying 'around and around') he scoops the kibble up again out of the bucket and back into the food bowl and expects the dog to eat it! Here is Zemmy with the dog's food - minus the water bucket.


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