Wednesday 12 March 2008

6 months...time for injections!

I can't believe that I'm six months old already! I mean, sure, life hasn't been easy... first there's trying to make sure my neck doesn't flop around, then there's trying to get my aim right when tasting stuff... then my fingernails were too long and I ended up giving myself a painful scratch on my nose, then I get sick and cough, which hurts my throat. There's these hard things in my gums that keep going up and down and hurting me... And then, there's injections! I don't like them at all!

I suppose it could be worse though... I do forget about them fairly quickly and I don't get very sick from them. Life at six months does have its upsides though. I get to have banana, baked apple and rice cereal. Ooooh, that stuff is nice. Oh, and I *love* water! It's great! It makes all things better. Especially when my gums hurt.

Another thing, I got some photos taken yesterday. I can't wait to see myself. Mum and dad were acting really silly in front of some ladies trying to make me smile.

Anyway...I must go.


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