Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Gall bladder stones at 5 months?

Okay, here's what's happened.
Last night at 9:40ish, Az woke up crying and gasping for breath. We settled him down eventually but every time we layed him down he would cry again. We eventually went to the emergency ward at Wyong Hospital about 11:30ish. We stayed there until 3ish, when he was x-rayed for a bowel obstruction.

But the results were not convincing for anyone, so Sharlene and he were transferred to Gosford hospital early this morning. After an ultrasound and some blood taken, the diagnosis was: gall stones. How on earth does a 5 month old, breast-fed baby get gall stones? Don't people need to do years of self-neglect to get those things?

At 1 o'clock today, both were transferred again to the Westmead Children's hospital. Never thought we would see the inside of that place again! At the last word early this evening, Azariah was STILL in emergency and had not been allocated a bed. Sharlene is with him. He has not held down any milk. He has been sleeping quite well though. Doctors are waiting to see if he will need any intervention or whether the pain was a temporary thing.

Please keep Azariah in your prayers.

On the flip side, it was my last day of school and Zemmy had his big end of year assessment today. Both of which went quite well.

Some of my students' parents came in at the end of the day and thanked me for teaching their kids. I nearly cried, it was so special to me. I got a photo album style of autograph book with kids pictures and comments. That's a keeper. I also was given a coffee table photo book autographed by the kids. I'm going to miss them.

1 comment:

Sonja said...

Oh no! That's terrible! Thoughts and prayers are with your family. Much love too!
