Monday, 21 December 2009

Sharnaye's Dancing

On Sabbath we took the boys to Sabbath School and Church. We'd both missed it last week we were looking forward to it. Zem however, had different plans and began to leak fluid from his right ear. He had a middle ear infection and with all the business of the past 10 days, we didn't notice until now. So off to the doctor we went. He is now on antibiotics for 30 days.
Brendan, Anya, Kyan and Aliya Wotherspoon.

Brad and Nicholas Hawkes.

Kim, Leigh and Jessica Twine.

Jessica Twine and Isabella Johnson.

In the afternoon, we went to the Morisset show grounds to see Sharnaye do a dance recital. There were also some other dancing performances by various dancing schools. It was part of a larger christmas program. We didn't stay until the evening fireworks as the boys hadn't slept and were getting a bit unsettled. But they did get a turn in a fire truck. Azariah seemed particularly impressed. He is almost back to normal now.
Here's Sharnaye showing what she can do.

Step in time...

Safety in numbers?

Azariah seemed very interested in what was happening.

Looking on...

The 'rocket' pose.

This girl did an amazing solo performance.

And she did it with a broken toe!

Azariah (and Chloe) with his first fire truck experience.

Big things yet to come from this young man!

Azariah is becoming famous for his huge grins.

All Zem needs is some longer legs!

Now, how do I turn this thing on...?

Yesterday we went shopping for Christmas presents with Adrian, and began to put some serious effort into packing the house. We've given ourselves 4 days to do it.

Today we continued packing the lounge and kitchen. Shelly came over and helped, which was fantastic. We have 2 more days to go and we're not sure if we will have enough boxes. Only time will tell.

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