Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Zucchinis and Japanese Tourists

It has been such a hectic month or so, filled with many funny stories. Here are a few of my favourite.
When we went to camp, our zucchinis had just started to fruit and we had instructed our neighbour to pick any that were ready while we were away. Anyway, when we came back we discovered the largest zucchini I have ever seen, still on the bush. We immediately picked it and its slightly smaller, but still huge in comparison to the shops zucchinis, and took some photos. The irony is that Zem and Daniel don't really like eating zucchini and so I have been very creative in cooking this past few weeks.

After only a few days home, it was time to head up north to visit my mum and dad (and go to my 10 year school reunion). Zemiel, Azariah and myself left on the Thursday - with Daniel waking up at 2:30 am to drive us to Gosford, for me and the little ones to catch a train to the airport. It was a huge undertaking - two little boys for 2 hours on the train was the easy bit. When we got to the airport we had to wait in line to check in baggage for about 1 hour. Then the ladies at the desk had to double check that Zem's batteries were allowed to travel on the plane and by this time Az had worked up a hunger and was crying. I hurriedly cut in line to go through security as we were running a little late. At security Zem was not allowed to pass through the metal detector as it could damage his processors, but Az, the pram and myself had to go through. Security commandeered a lovely business man who was standing just in front of me to walk through security and duck back and grab Zem to take him around the detector to be patted down while the pram and Az and me were cleared. Poor Zem was a little frightened as he couldn't see me and had all these strangers touching him but finally I got to him, put him in our pram and strove off to find our boarding gate.

Feeling a little frazzled and with more than a few quick prayers, we found our gate and was told the plane had not yet arrived. Time to feed Azariah. Just as Az started to feed, Zem spotted a Japanese tourist standing nearby eating an apple. Zem asked me for one but I couldn't reach our apples while feeding, so I told Zem he had to wait. Zem persisted in asking and the lovely tourist handed him one of her apples. He smiled and proceeded to eat it. By the time it came to boarding we had about 7 Japanese tourists surrounding my son, taking photos and giving him food and drink. Over a small period of time he received (and devoured) 2 apples, 2 yoghurt topped muesli bars and a bottle of orange juice. The tourists couldn't speak much English but they smiled and gestured that they wanted him to have the food (I think they liked looking at him eat - he is so cute) and they took so many photos - even picking him up so that they were in the photos with him. The rest of the trip was filled with much answered prayer and more stories but that is it for now.

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