Sunday, 1 November 2009

Azariah's first Beach Experience

Of course, who could go and camp at the beach for a week without actually going to the beach? So, while were up at Yarrahappini, we took the boys to the sand and waves. Zemmy is beginning to enjoy waves a lot more. He was once quite scared of them. Azariah was quickly whisked away from us by friends and had an excellent introduction to beach sand.

Do my shoes match my outfit?

Jared was a fantastic help and playmate for Zem all week. I think Zemiel would love an iphone for his next birthday...any volunteers?

Zemmy with his beachy curls.

Zem and Az together.

All of us together.

4 weeks to go and still looking great! 

Love this picture of Azariah. Might be worth comparing with a similar one we took of Zem. Check the link.

Good memories. Thanks to everyone who helped make them!

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