Saturday, 28 December 2019

Christmas 2019

This year we planned to drive southwards to catch up with Grandma Mac and that side of the family who were gathering at the caravan park where she was holidaying. Unfortunately, on the 23rd, our car broke which resulted in a cancelled trip and a quiet Christmas at home. 

This Christmas was enjoyable in that the children gave quite thoughtful gifts to each other - ones that showed an obvious impact of gratitude and expression of unrestrained joy and enthusiasm. 

Lily received a Sylanian Families car and kangaroo family. Sharlene also sewed some sleeping bags for them. 

Zekiah got several sets of lego, the greatest of which was a helicopter with moving blades and sliding door and windable drop line.

Azariah and Zemiel both received gel blasters and have been blasting away ever since. Zemiel is content with shooting at targets, and doesn’t much want to be targeted. The gel balls do sting when hit at close range, and Zem is vey risk adverse. Having said that, he will call for a truce and then fire on you when you back is turned. So will Azariah for that matter who will pretend to be out of ammunition and then shoot at close range.

Liana and Ki have water blasters and so join in the games - with Lilly looking the meanest.

Shar got a dress making manakin, but has spent the last few days making dresses for Lilly. 

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