Friday, 30 August 2019

Broken Arm!

Shar got a call from Zemiel's school on Tuesday.
It seems Zemiel took a dive when he tripped over another boy's foot when playing handball.

His arm swelled pretty swiftly and so a trip to the doctor and then to the base hospital was necessary.
The x-ray confirmed a full break of the Ulna and a decent fracture of the Radius.

Zem naturally has a high pain tolerance and he was quite calm whilst being checked out. The most upsetting thing though, was when the doctor confirmed that he could not attend his class' Sydney-Canberra trip next week. That was devastating and took some time to accept. Fortunately, the school has made plans to keep him occupied through the week.

He's been awarded a full cast to immobilise the arm, along with a cool sling. At night, he has 'sprunge' bath 

He's had some discomfort when trying to sleep and the idea of another six weeks of having a cast doesn't seem appealing. His cast will be re-examined next week and perhaps a new one put on. 

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