Saturday, 29 December 2018

Cole Christmas 2018

This year the next generation of Coles converged for Christmas at our house in the country. We enjoyed four fun days with family as we filled our time mowing, building a new sheep shelter, giving and receiving gifts, playing with baby Lexi, swimming in our new wading pool, swatting march flies, staking and marking the location of new eucalyptus trees, painting and hitting golf balls (I received 400 from Trev), eating pies at the Pinnacle Pub, making lassis, eating cold pizza, eating quadruple-choc brownies, eating mango salad (and watermelon salad), playing games (bohnanza, spot it, Drawful 2), cleaning rooms and relocating beds for the boys to accomodate their new hot wheels toy collection, and playing French cricket. 

Opening prezzies photos:

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