Saturday, 29 December 2018

Cole Christmas 2018

This year the next generation of Coles converged for Christmas at our house in the country. We enjoyed four fun days with family as we filled our time mowing, building a new sheep shelter, giving and receiving gifts, playing with baby Lexi, swimming in our new wading pool, swatting march flies, staking and marking the location of new eucalyptus trees, painting and hitting golf balls (I received 400 from Trev), eating pies at the Pinnacle Pub, making lassis, eating cold pizza, eating quadruple-choc brownies, eating mango salad (and watermelon salad), playing games (bohnanza, spot it, Drawful 2), cleaning rooms and relocating beds for the boys to accomodate their new hot wheels toy collection, and playing French cricket. 

Opening prezzies photos:

Liana’s Desert Rose

Liana was given a desert rose by her Great-Aunt Monica as a gift when she was born. Recently, it flowered for the first time.

Kindy Graduation for Liana

The 5th of December marked the final kindergarten graduation ceremony for the Cole children. Liana got dressed up in mini regalia and received her certificate. The group also performed several songs for the adoring parents. 

16th year anniversary

This year we decided to return to Conway Beach. We were there 4 years ago at this time. However, this year, the dynamics have changed a little. A few friends decided to accompany us. In the process of time, friends and family of those friends also joined  the group. In total a sizeable group. Unfortunately, a heatwave struck that weekend, so the best we could do was sit in the shade and sweat or swim in the pool with every other camper.  

On Sabbath, we took the children for an early beach walk and found many object lessons about the world and God.

Finding hermit crabs.

We pretended that these were little hills with trees.

Sunday, 18 November 2018

New Rock Garden

Last week we completed a small project to clean up the side of our house. The idea was to build a small rock garden. All the children chipped in and the garden came together quite quickly. 

Pathfinder and Adventurer investiture

Yesterday was a high day for our family as our children were invested for their year’s club work.

Grandma Mac’s 60th Birthday

Our family recently drove down to Gympie to celebrate Grandma Mac’s birthday. We camped at the Borumba Deer Park with a good portion of aunts, uncles and friends. 

Sabbath was spent searching for yabbies and playing in the creek. Saturday night was a 50’s style party. Although we had to head home again early Sunday.

Liana also enjoyed dancing, but I shall post that later as the video is currently too dark.

Bee hives are in

The cement slab beside the shed is finally completed. Pop Cole and I spent the best part of 6 hours mixing and laying cement. But the end product is worth it.

Saturday, 6 October 2018

Happy 7th Birthday Zekiah!

Friday, 24 August 2018

Work on shed

Poppy Cole has been up for a week. We’ve been working on improving the drainage around the shed before we can safely install everything for the honey extraction room we have planned. 

Every afternoon after school the kids have been keen to get on tools and start digging out more dirt.

Monday, 23 July 2018

4am phone call

Got the message this morning that my step mother has died. Always a shock.

New home

Last year, on the 23rd of June, we were driving to big camp when we received a call to let us know that our new property had settled. It was exciting and we couldn’t wait to start new adventures. I’ll detail some in subsequent posts. Below are some pictures though to help you appreciate what we enjoy about this place.
