Saturday, 6 December 2014

Zemiel's Christmas Concert

Yesterday, Zemiel's school held their Christmas concert for all the families of the school. Zem was involved with his class song and the signing choir. His class sang 'The 12 days of Aussie Christmas', and the signing choir performed 'Silent Night'. Zem did a fantastic job of the signing. Here are a few photos from the event.

Our friend from next door came over and helped Sharlene prepare Liana's hair. Cute eh? Too bad it only lasted 23 seconds...

...just long enough to get this photo from the front.

We set up our blanket on the grass near the stage. It was lovely spot. Zemiel saw the sound desk and decided it needed closer inspection. Definitely no touching though! When we attend North Church here in Mackay, Zemiel is allowed to help work the sound desk and projector. It is one of his favourite things.

Liana had a blast. She started out eating - everything in sight. She even used Zemiel's school lunchbox as a plate and then ate her food directly from it...


After eating all our food, she promptly ditched us for another family...

...and another family...

...and yet another.

Monkey see...monkey do.

Meanwhile, Zemiel was called up to do his performances.
 He originally started out with the mask down over his face, but he couldn't read the words. So up came the mask.

He performed well though. Well done Zemiel!

Time for signing choir, and another admirable effort. So proud!

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