Saturday, 8 October 2011

Meet Zekiah David Cole

Zekiah's been with us for a couple of days now. We came home at 8:00 pm on Thursday night and he slept the night beside us. I had to work on Friday, so I took Zemiel with me and Azariah stayed with Nana for the day. Sharlene got to spend the day recovering and relaxing. The boys didn't see the new baby until Thursday night. We decided that we would have a nice birthday party for him. So we all sang happy birthday and ate pizza.
The boys loved Zekiah from the beginning. Generally, they have been very gentle. Azariah has already tried to cover (smother) him with bubble wrap and walk the pram out the door (and down the hill onto the road). Zemiel has been quite protective too, by not allowing the dog to get close to the baby or the pram.
We've had visitors this afternoon and a barbecue tonight already, so a lot of our family and friends have already seen him.
The jury is still out concerning who he looks like. However, it does look like his eyes might be the same colour as Zemiel's.

This picture is of Zekiah just before we left the birthing centre. Approx. 5 hours old.

 This picture was taken Friday morning. Approx. 16 hours old.

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