Saturday, 5 February 2011

First Sermon

I preached my first sermon today. I surprised myself: I wasn't that nervous and I actually enjoyed the experience. I discussed the seven churches of Revelation and how the attributes of Jesus can be applied to our individual needs. I talked for about an hour and I gather that it was pretty well received. The topic was difficult to shorten more than that, and that was the only criticism.

This afternoon, we hacked into two green coconuts and discovered that Zemiel really does not like coconut, and Azariah really does. Azariah even tried to eat the husk. This led to his first lesson in spitting something out of his mouth. He greatly enjoyed that too, as he continued to take mouthfuls of husk, just so he could spit it out.

Ants have invaded our house again. They do it every summer. They aren't aggressive but they certainly do get everywhere. Especially with the humid weather that we have right now, they turn up in anything that isn't air tight (and some things that are), they cover the floor at night, foraging. They end up in our bed and between Zemiel's fingertips. (Which is often their demise).

Zemiel is getting much better with small creatures and insects in general. He often holds worms (a love affair that goes back to 29th October, 2009), grasshoppers and even a small jumping spider last Sabbath. He really does love his animals. One of the best rewards we can give him is allowing him to see a nature documentary on whales. Azariah loves animals too...but for some reason, they don't love him...mainly because they are dead (or terribly maimed) by the end of the experience. Our guinea pigs are still alive, however.

1 comment:

Sue said...

It sounds as if John and Azariah have something very much in common. John also loves coconuts, green or otherwise, and when we were in the Solomons was known as "Coconut Man". Although I love the juice, I'm not so keen on the fruit, but I think he acquired the taste when growing up in Fiji.
