Tuesday, 18 January 2011

More Travel

We went to Mackay today. Well, we are still here actually. We came down because it is Rosie's birthday and Sharlene and family are going out for a dinner. Happy Birthday Rosie! It is also exactly one year since we moved into our house in Bowen, so it is a bit ironic that we aren't there. Tomorrow we're back, but not before we go to Townsville. Zemiel is starting up his speech pathology again and it will be one of the rare times for Sharlene to go as well.

Today we went to see how Janice and Gerard are coping at our Mackay school and it seems like they will have their hands full sorting out useful stuff from junk and writing programs. Janice has already made a lot of headway though. Zem and Az had a great time exploring and rearranging the toys and furniture of the room. Zemiel even got his train 'fix' for the day with the room's train set.

Sharlene has made some apricot slice for the today's and tomorrow's trip but honestly I don't know how many will remain for tomorrow. They have been pretty well received (and eaten) by everyone (especially me) since we left.

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