Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Beach boys

Zemiel is wrapped with the beach these days. Anytime we hop in the car (or even look like hopping in the car) he starts 'swish swish swishing' and signing 'beach'. It's a great time of year to go as well.
Azariah enjoys it too, but more for the fact that dad and brother have no chance of removing ALL of the objects that he could potentially choke on...if all else fails a handful of sand will do the trick!

Zem is still taken with butterflies and his interest has caught the attention of the staff at the Bowen Library. Today they made 'Butterflies' their theme and craft. The boy was in paradise! At the library, Azariah just wanders randomly from mum to mum smiling and waiting for someone to pick him up. He doesn't usually have to wait long either.

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