Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Easter holidays 2010

Easter was a very busy time for us. We decided that we should take a trip down the coast to see the family. I guess, this is one of the main reasons that we moved back up this way in the first place. Besides, Pop Cole hasn't been going too well recently, so we thought we ought to at least give the boys some time with him.

First stop was Bundaberg. We visited with Grandma Mac and Malcolm. Dianne and Tim were also there and we had quite a lot of fun on Dianne's Wii. Sabbath was largely spent with Bon and Lindon out on their place. We also went to the beach. The tide was quite high so we didn't end up staying long. But we did stay long enough for the boys to get very dirty.

We then travelled to Gympie to visit Great Grandma and Great Pop Cole. Pop loved having the little ones around. Zem was overtired and so he wouldn't cooperate very much, but Azariah and Pop had a great time. Aunty Lyn also came around with Sonya's four children. Harrison taught Zem how to ride on a scooter.

Next, we travelled to Toowoomba and met up with Pop Cole and Marilynn. Sue and Rodney were there too. Uncle Trevor also arrived to spend some time with us. Sharlene and I were sick the next day, but the day after that we went to Picnic Point. We also drove past where Pop Cole teaches. We also stopped briefly to see the Darling Downs Zoo. It looks like it could be a lot of fun. As we looked through the fence, we saw a young camel getting lots of pats and loving it. We will go when Zem is a little older.

Finally, we headed back to Bowen and we felt quite pleased to be home again.
Sharlene and Az.

Grandma Mac with the boys and Sharlene.
My turn for a photo. Azariah knows exactly what to do.

Great Pop and Great Grandma Cole.

Zemiel in a brief pause.

Pop really enjoyed seeing the boys.

Looks can be deceiving, Pop was just playing along.
"I wonder if I can blow any music on this leaf?"

Pop Cole with a mouthful of dandilion.

Trevor: always ready.

Azariah in a brief lapse.

Zemiel enjoying the ride.

Sharlene and Azariah share a laugh.

Zem throwing gravel into the water to tease the fish.

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