Friday, 18 September 2009

Zemmy Turns Two

Zem is now two, and we celebrated down at Cooranbong park with cupcakes, hot chips and some friends. Thank you to Jonathan, Marlene and family, Lillia and Isabella, Bec C, Bec G, Sue, Adrian, and Lynda for coming along. We loved having your company!

Here's a view of Zemmy's cake (or cakes as it might be more adequately described).

This is Zemmy on his new tricycle.

You can see Charlie here, and we think it might be Zemmy underneath all the chocolate.

Uncle Adrian and the birthday boy.

"Catch me -if you can!!"

Oh...and we are still eating the cup cakes a week later.

Zemmy's method of eating them involved licking off the icing and then licking the cupcake itself until it either dissolved, or oozed out between his fingers...whichever came first.

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