Thursday, 2 July 2009

Azariah joins the family!

He came a little sooner than we expected, but we are glad to have him with us. Our new baby boy has certainly got a mind of his own it would seem. On Tuesday, Sharlene went to have her regular check-up, but was told that perhaps something was not right with the pregnancy. We paid a trip to John Hunter Hospital that afternoon, and after an ultrasound was told that perhaps the baby was not growing. We were booked in to have the baby induced on Thursday morning (today). As it happened though, with all the poking and prodding that Sharlene received, she went into natural labour on Wednesday night and little Azzie was born shortly after.

New Baby Fact File:

NAME: Azariah Edward Cole
DATE: 1st July, 2009
TIME: 8:55pm
WEIGHT: 3.6 kg (7 lb 15 ounces)
LENGTH: 52cm
HAIR: short and dark
EYES: dark

Sharlene and Azariah

Zemmy meets his little brother

Azariah sleeping peacefully

Ben and Bec Gibbs were the first to visit us. Here is Bec holding Azzie for the first time. Ben and Bec looked after Zemmy for the time Sharlene and I were in hospital.


naomi newton said...

He's handsome! Congrats to you both! Love the name too! :) Two beautiful boys xoxox

Cathy Galindo said...

What a beautiful baby!! How very exciting!!

Roni said...

Hey Guys, Congratulations!!! He's a real cutie.. can't wait to meet him. Trev's on Teen X so there's no contact with him at the moment, but as soon as I hear from him I shall pass on the news he's an uncle again. He wont be able to keep up with all these neicphews soon... (This word is in Ronis Dictonary :o}.. like many others! hehe. Just ask Bon). Have a lovely first Sabbath with bub. God bless and love to the growing family. You guys are always in our thoughts and prayers. Miss yas heaps. Big cuddles to Zem and Azzi from Aunty Roni. Hope to see you guys in the near future. Love Always, Roni.

Fatima said...

We enjoy seeing these beautiful photos of our grandsons and reading about their adventures.Living so far away, it is great to follow your lives on the blog.You have done a great job on the landscaping. The turf looks beautiful.
