Saturday, 8 April 2023

Zemiel’s Baptism

Two weeks ago, one of the young ladies of our church was baptised at harbour beach. Our family attended and celebrated with other friends. We usually ask Zem if he wants to be baptised as well when we attend a baptism. (He has a standing agreement that he can be baptised straight away). But he has always refused point blank. On this occasion he paused and considered. Then he actually agreed. 

Next week! 
What time?
Don’t know. 
By whom?
Pr Patt.
Who would you like to come?
Immediate family. 
Anything else?
Open invitation to a bonfire and barbecue at home afterwards. 

So that started a frantic week of cleaning, mowing  and repairing. 

On the day, he was nervous, but he managed to go through the motions of being called up front and presented to the church. 

We set the time for 3pm and arranged for interested friends to come also. 
A storm came over just beforehand and we prayed for the rain to clear. It did clear, just as many of our friends arrived. We had beautiful sunshine for his baptism. 

Congratulations Zemiel on your decision to follow Jesus. 1st April 2023.
