Saturday, 5 October 2019

Happy 12th Birthday Zemiel

Zemiel celebrated his 12th birthday on the 12th of September. This year, as presents, he received a Jembe drum and a swag. 

He also got two parties and two cakes - one at Nunna’s house and one at home. 

Meet Bear and Ash

One week ago we got two new pups. They are amstaff x lab/border collie. 

Bear is male. He licks and chews everything. His tail is constantly wagging and body wiggling.

Ash is female. She is calmer than her brother and listens better. She is easier to cuddle. 

We’ve had them for 1 week. They had their immunisation injections last Tuesday. They are now 7 weeks old. 

So far, they have learnt to sit, and stay.

The children are enjoying the interactive pets but have learnt the importance of keeping the house much cleaner.
