Saturday, 12 January 2019

Highs and Lows

This week has seen some awesome ‘firsts’, along with a huge amount of water dropping from the sky from ex cyclone Penny.  The children are still on holidays, and Azariah has begun to build his own cubby on the rocks near the driveway. 

Last week, on Sunday, we went to the women’s big bash game in Mackay. The Heat played the Renegades. Fortunately, we found a nice spot in the grandstand that was shaded for our friends to join us. It was Sharlene’s first time at a live game - and she enjoyed it. 

The kids went down to the boundary fence after the game to have their pictures of the team autographed. 

Yesterday, Sharlene spotted a bee swarm on our fence. After donning the suit, she successfully swept the swarm into a box and captured it. Another first! So exciting to get another hive. 

On a sad note, we’ve also had many losses this week. Today, our newest young ewe passed away from unknown causes. This understandably affected the children quite badly. We also lost our pet ‘Mouse’ this week, we suspect from old age. Finally, we have hatched out two baby guinea fowl, but in the process have lost our beautiful spotted python, who managed to escape his enclosure and has disappeared.

So it has been a week of mixed emotions. Hopefully, only good times ahead. 

Thursday, 3 January 2019

New sheep shelter completed

Over this Christmas break, we were offered two additional dorper sheep - a ram and a ewe. Work had begun on the construction of a new, improved sheep shelter some months ago, but nothing more had been done except for the post holes. With the imminent arrival of our new sheep, it was time to complete the shelter. I also finally incorporated the wire mesh door that we had scrounged from the tip shop in 2017. 

Behold: the sheep shelter!

...and our new sheep.

The sheep will be kept near our house until they are quiet and then introduced to ‘Rocket Pocket’ our existing one-eared sheep.
