We had Christmas with a difference this year, not in the sense that we somehow got the snow that Trev and Roni missed out on, but rather that we actually stayed home and had the relies come to us for a change! Dan's mum and step-father came up for about 5 days and camped in their little caravan on our front lawn - which was only just wide enough!
On Sunday, when they arrived, we headed out to Mau's farm. There were some lychee trees there that needed to be relieved of their fruit and our family were more than happy to oblige! We ended coming home with enough for ourselves and enough to share with just about all our street! We were also given two bags of mangoes. Bonus!
On our first full day, we went fishing out at the mouth of Baker's Creek and both caught some quite decent fish including two big grunter, a golden trevally and some butter bream. Dan caught a diamond trevally and the boys also caught some small stuff. Another perfect day in paradise.
The next day (Christmas Eve), Zemiel took sick again with yet another ear infection. Sharlene left with Zemiel for the emergency department and Daniel spent the morning making treasure maps and hiding chocolates. It is one of the boys' favourite pastimes at the moment. Dan's made a rough sketch of our house and yard and then placed small x's where he's hidden the 'treasures'. Then he's given the map to Azariah to see if they can figure out the map. Lucky for them, Grandma Mac was nearby to help them out and between them, they soon had rounded up the wayward chockies. Then it was Dan's turn to go Christmas shopping, so leaving the boys with Grandma, he went out and returned before Sharlene did. Then it was Grandma and Malcolm's turn to shop. Sharlene returned home with ear drops and oral antibiotics for Zemiel.
During the afternoon, Dan had been working on levelling out a bit of ground in the front yard for the boys' big Christmas gift - a trampoline! And not just any trampoline either - A Vuly 'Thunder'. Once the ground was level, Dan used the remaining daylight to begin constructing the framework around the base and putting in the leaf springs. It was definitely a two-man job, and Malcolm came over to lend a hand. Together, he and Dan connected the mat to the springs. It was Sharlene's job to keep the children indoors and away from windows. Dan had made out that he was digging for treasure when he was levelling the yard. So we wondered what the children would think in the morning when they saw this beast of a trampoline sitting there. It was time for dinner, and we took a break.
Christmas Eve was a lovely time. The boys each were allowed to open their present from Grandma and what delight when they saw their gifts! Three shiny new skateboards! Of course, the boys all wanted to sleep with them. Earlier in the day, Zemiel had asked to sleep in a tent beside Grandma's caravan. Dan set up the two-man tent and all the boys tried to sleep in it - with their skateboards! Only Zemiel remained until morning however.
After the children were asleep, and with help, Dan continued the construction. The whole thing was finished after an hour, including net, skirting, additional hooks to hold the mat and springs in place. Dan had the first jump on it to try it out. WOW!
Christmas morning was exciting. Zemiel came racing into our bedroom and told us that a jumpy thing was outside. What was that? We asked. Then he opened out curtain and told us to look outside. Oh! Look at that! Where did that come from? Goodness! Merry Christmas Zemmy! Shortly all three boys were on board and bouncing away like they'd always had it.
Then it was all inside to open some more presents! Riah received a glider, Zekai obtained an orbit tennis set, and Zem now owned a bow and arrow kit. With these and many other wonderful gifts, our boys certainly had a fun Christmas morning.
About mid-morning we left for Sharlene's parents' house. With more presents to open - including a tin of various balls, a wooden builder toolbox for Riah and new shirts and shorts all-round. We shared our meals with Piotr's brother, his wife and her mother and brother. We also enjoyed playing a new game, 'Pentago' that we had been given. There we stayed until 5:30 in the evening. When we did move on, it was to Sharlene's aunt's house and to another party! This time we had secret santa gifts to enjoy. Whatever was found in the present, could be swapped with another, or could be taken from you by another who came after you. Dan came away with a bucket of car washing items and a bag of beer nuts. Sharlene took home some chocolates. The men hardly swapped at all, but the ladies...well...the grass is always greener....
We finally made it back home and collapsed into bed about 10:00pm and hardly stirred until the sun was up. The boys were already awake, but mercifully, they had gone to the trampoline and Grandma's caravan rather than our bedroom! Grandma and Malcolm planned to leave that day and so they set about packing away their items. The word was that there would be a good tide that day so Dan decided to take Azariah fishing again. Grandma Mac and Malcolm also decided they would come as well.
The fishing didn't turn out as well as previously. Dan caught some good fish, but nothing that he could keep. Grandma and Malcolm caught a small fish each and then decided to make a start on their journey home. Poppy Brian, Nuna and Mark were hauling in fish quite regularly. Mark caught a decent Oyster Cracker which really gave him an adrenalin boost, while all caught some very big Grunter. Poppy Brian caught a Barramundi with his last cast of the day. With a photo to prove the catch but no fish to take home (being out of season).
In the afternoon, We headed over to Sharlene's parent's house for some games, to find that her uncle Paul had arrived - with Alyse and Alyse's new boyfriend 'GVD'. He did tell me his name twice and if I had a tape recorder I might be able to write down half of what he said. Suffice to say, his first name takes about 6 seconds to say. We'll stick with GVD. Alyse was so excited, she gave us all a detailed account of how they met, what they thought when they met, each event leading up to their being together and how they felt through every step. GVD (surrounded by family) looked more and more sheepish as the narration continued. But he survived and I'm sure is a little wiser about letting Alyse to all the talking. He and Dan were able to condense about 20 minutes of high-speed prattle into three simple steps. They saw each other, went to a party together and then held hands.
We did eventually play some games - and so ended Boxing Day.
Saturday, 28 December 2013
Christmas 2013
Photos of Liana-Roze
Now that I've got a bit of time to myself - and also that Christmas is over - I've downloaded all the photos on the camera. Some gypsies from Europe said they wanted to see some more photos of Liana and the boys as they grew. So I've sifted through the pics and come up with a few shots that I hope will please. First of all though, one for Trev and Roni, just before they left for London...or was that Wales...or was that Germany...?
Alright, now Liana-Roze was only about 3 weeks old or so when these next photos were taken.
Jump forward a couple of weeks to when she is about a month old. We have a few pics of Liana and the boys...
This photo of Liana reminded me of a video we took of Azariah 4 years ago. Have a look here to compare. What do you think?
The next photos are some pics that I managed to snap of Liana and her early smiles. In these photos, she is about 8 weeks old. At that stage, she would only smile for dad. Much to mum's chagrin.
Saturday, 14 December 2013
Front and Centre
Today, Cental Church had their Christmas 'Extravaganza' program. There was a variety of items performed including a play, stories, poems, prose, quartets, solos, instrumentals, and congregational singing. It was a lot of fun to be a part of.
Sharlene and I joined in with the performance. We signed 'Silent Night' while two of our friends played flute and clarinet. We were shaking so much by the end of it but received several encouraging comments by some people who particularly enjoyed it.
Here are a couple of pics of the item that I found on Facebook.
Monday, 9 December 2013
Party time!
The year is almost at an end, but that doesn't mean that the work is winding down. Actually, it is getting more intense! I've just spent half my weekend sorting photos for the families to take home. Then there is the Christmas break-up to organise as well. I asked the model train engineers club to host our party again this year and they were very kind in agreeing. The original day that I wanted (today) was booked up though, so we've settled for next Sunday. It is all probably just as well actually, because one of our children had a birthday party on today and the clash would have been terrible for our break-up. As it is, we should have a decent turnout.
Today, I split my native bee hive and tried to kickstart one of my old hive boxes. Not only that though, because the ply separator on my good hive has been eaten by fungi and is no real use any more. So I decided to replace that also. It all meant a lot of disturbance for the bees but the real surprise was the amount of honey they had stored. Once they've recovered a little from the split, I'm coming back for that honey! Sorry, I was covered in sticky resin, honey and about 5 000 angry bees so no pictures.
Shar's down in Brizzy at the moment and having a blast down there I hear. Zem's had eye tests and ultra sounds on his kidneys and he is yet to have some blood taken. Last week, Shar and I went and had some blood taken just to show Zem what happens - what it looks like and that it isn't all that scary after all. We'll wait and see if it has helped in any way.
Zem, Liana and Shar have been all over Brisbane - from what I've been told. Off to Garden City on Friday, South Brisbane SDA Church for Sabbath and then a bus trip out to Wynnum to visit her sister. Today was spent at the museum, which is always a favourite for Zemiel. One of the current exhibits was a robot that mirrored his face expressions, smiles, frowns, eyebrow raises and gurneys!
Well, it's getting a bit late. Best say good night until next time.