Monday, 25 January 2010


It's late so I'll be brief. We moved in last Monday. We still have a fair bit to unpack but we are slowly whittling it down. Everything has been reasonably smooth sailing except for our phone line connection, which we've had no end of trouble with (hence no internet). Right now we are at Sharlene's parent's place for Australia Day. Hopefully the phone will be connected by this Friday, but I'm not holding my breath. Sharlene's parents also delivered some of their old cabinets last Sunday which has helped out our organisation immensely.

The rain has arrived and looks like it will be a wet week, but the rain is warm up here, the kind of rain you don't mind walking dog in. All the creeks are up and there was a lot of rain on the road as we drove down this afternoon. Sharlene is quite stressed out over work starting. She doesn't feel ready yet.

Zemmy and Az are beginning to settle down and realise that we aren't travelling any more. Diesel still hates us leaving the house. He cries when he knows we are leaving. If he can, he will jump in the car and look at me as if to say, "I don't care how short the trip is, I'm coming with you."

Bowen church was lovely to attend again, I think we genuinely shocked a few people. Sharlene is already booked up for playing the piano and I think Sharlene wants me to attend the 'mother's group'. *sigh*

Azariah is now eating (and loving) pumpkin as his solid food. We ordered an electric breast pump for Sharlene to express milk quickly at school. It came today, which is just in time for school. We have arranged to borrow a bicycle trailer, so I will have no more excuses to use the car.

Azariah has his checkup in Townsville next week. He seems to be going well. He is such a chatterbox! Zem loves his brother and enjoys showing off his toys. He has still got his addiction to sultanas and asks for them everytime he sits in the car.

We are missing our friends down south.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

A new house

Since leaving Morisset, we made the trip to Mackay in 25 hours. We have spent the last week with Sharlene's parents and brothers and sister. We saw our new house last Wednesday afternoon and we sign the lease tomorrow. We also have our gear arriving tomorrow (about 40 minutes after we sign the lease). We have been looking around town for second hand furniture to replace the things that we sold or gave away before we left. The house we are going to is an old queenslander. It has many small rooms but no build in robes. The garden is a bit of a mess, but it does have two mango trees. Underneath, there is heaps of room for the boys to play and is quite cool. Sharlene starts work next Friday.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Moving Day

Okay, the last two weeks have been pretty crazy with rainy travel, teething babies, runny noses, packing, continuous cleaning, unending packing, sorting, washing and packing. If not for all the help we've received from our friends and family, I think it would not have been done on time or remotely as well. A HUGE thank you to everyone. We love you! We are going to miss you a lot. We do have pictures of the last few weeks but will put them up when we are back on line. (Which may be in 2 or 3 weeks). Until then, we wish you God's blessings.
