Monday, 31 August 2009

Those feet were made for walkin'...


It's been two years coming, and perhaps 2 months longer than we expected, but it seems that Zemmy is going to be walking for his second birthday, which is a present for us too!

Friday, 21 August 2009

Tummy bumps

Doctor recons that we should wait until Zem is about 4 years old before doing anything more about his tummy bumps. By then his stomach muscles should have grown a bit closer together and be in better condition to hold stitches. No need to stress until then.

Monday, 17 August 2009


Shar and I are taking Zem up to Newcastle tomorrow. We are seeing a doctor about his series of hernias. There are 3 that need to be operated on. They won't fix themselves. We are hoping that we will be able to get him in and patched up before Christmas.

Monday, 10 August 2009

Hugs for Little Brother...

Azzy at 1 month.

Here are Zemmy and Az in the bath.

Note the look of anxiety....


We boys like to stick together.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Back to school

This week has all been preparation for school. Monday and Tuesday were CAPE/CASE (Personal Development) days. It was actually very interesting. The two workshops that I particularly enjoyed were 'Brain Gym' and 'Speech Therapy'. When I talked to the guest Speech Therapist after the workshop, I was surprised that she had actually done her masters regarding cochlear implants and was very interested to hear about Zem. The other days, I went to school to set up. Sharlene was kind and came with me to school on Friday to keep me company...

Also this week, we booked to see a specialist to do something about Zem's hernias. He has three that need fixing before he gets much older. No sign of them on Az, so we are happy about that.

Az is growing very quickly, his feet in particular are very long. His feet are now ready for 00 size clothes. Zem still loves his little brother but he wants to pick him up and cuddle him, or tries to lay on him when he is crying. (We think that he is trying to feed Az like mum does). Zem is getting a bit rougher with him though. Perhaps the novelty is wearing off. Sharlene has had her first couple of days alone with them this week and has come off very tired.

Diesel has decided to dig a hole in my beautiful turf, down near the chook pen gate. He was not trying to get in, but we think he could hear a rat perhaps. In any case, this is our first turf casualty and it may take a while to recover. Besides that, it still looks green and that's a good thing.

More later.
