Today we moved about 140 square metres of lawn turf into our back yard. We love the change that has taken place. While we were laying it, both Sharlene and I both kept commenting on how different it looked from the dull brown that we've been used to. I don't think that either of us expect it to still be there in the morning. Diesel loves it. The chooks can't wait to scratch it up but they have been confined to barracks. Zemmy misses the dirt. We both can't wait to hire a carpet cleaner now to get out the grit and dust.
We wondered today what the back yard looked like when we first moved here. So here is a picture history of our back yard over the last three years.
This is the yard we inherited (aside from the back fence...we put that in for Diesel when we first moved in).
I think Diesel may have been slightly confused at the new surroundings.
Friday, 24 July 2009
Our backyard is GREEN!!!
Back yard blitz..... again!
This week, the last week of Daniel's holidays, we decided to finally finish off the back yard. This has involved Daniel moving 4 cubic meters of sand from near the driveway to out the back. He needed lots of assistance and Zem loved the challenge - especially the challenge of getting as dirty as he could.
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Azariah at three weeks
Azariah is growing so quickly! Already he is three weeks old and he has had his first growth spurt. He loves his milk and we can see that he is going to be a fatty! He has also kept Sharlene and I bemused with his many facial expressions! Here are just a couple that we have managed to capture.
Sifting rocks
On Sunday and Monday, Zemmy and I began to remove some of the rock paths around two of our gardens. We are leveling them out in order to turf them later in the week. After first weeding the rocks, we scooped it from the weed matting, into the wheelbarrow and then sifted the rock from the soil. Of course, Zemiel wanted to throwing all the rocks he could, out of the wheelbarrow and onto the driveway! After everything, he was so dirty that we decided to rinse him off in the laundry tub rather than let him in the house.
One of Zemiel's favourite things to do is sit by the dog's food bowl and water bucket. He picks up the food pellets and drops them into the water. After a short time, (and some stirring - and saying 'around and around') he scoops the kibble up again out of the bucket and back into the food bowl and expects the dog to eat it! Here is Zemmy with the dog's food - minus the water bucket.
Lunch at Ben and Bec's
Last Sabbath, we spent with Ben and Becky Gibbs. They have been good friends to us and have cared for Zemmy many times over the past months, even to the point where he could almost call their house a second home. He has his own favourite things to do there, like spinning the clothesline, playing the guitar, and throwing leaves. Both lunch and the company was fantastic.
Zemmy continues to gain confidence when walking between people. He think himself quite clever when he does it without any help. But more than that, he seeks the applause of impressed onlookers. The more, the better.
Azzy had a great time as well...sleeping! Here he is on (Bec's sister) Karen, both happily passing the warm afternoon.
Later in the afternoon, Zem discovered a new ability to make people FREEZE!!! All he had to do was turn the radio on and there would be movement everywhere. Turn it off and everyone would stand still, what fun! (How he learnt to work the radio, I don't know).
DJ Zemmy!
Ben and Bec told us that one night, when Zemmy stayed over, he actually reprogrammed the radio's alarm. It woke them up at midnight and they couldn't figure out what the strange noise was in the kitchen!
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Home and away with friends
We've had a lot of fun this week. On Saturday, we had a welcome back lunch for the Nixons. (They are going again). Sunday, was breakfast at the Sherratt's place. Monday we had a mapping session in Newcastle, and visits from Chloe, Sharnaye, Cameron and Kyla. Tuesday, we took Zemmy to a fake snow field. Wednesday, we had a picnic at Wood point and Zem got his first boat ride. (Sorry, no pics). Thursday, a visit from Ruby and then of to Sarah Nixon's birthday party at lunch, followed by a couple of hours happily spent at Kids HQ in Wyong. (Seemed like 20 minutes).
Now for the photos!
Here is Zem in our fake snow field. He loved getting the shredded paper EVERYWHERE!!!
Thank you Kyla for your visit! We loved seeing you again.
Here is Zem at the lake, doing one of his favourite things - throwing rocks. I think he would have stayed there all night if we had let him.
Zemmy with 'Jackson'.
Zemmy has been gaining in confidence with his walking lately. Even taking a few free steps between Sharlene and me. But he still prefers to hold our hands.
Zem going down the giant slide at Kids HQ with Gerard.
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Azariah's first day at school
Due to all the excitement caused by Azariah arriving several days early, there were still some loose ends that needed tidying up at school. Sharlene and the two boys came down with me.
And here we are, our first photo as a family of four.
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Settling in with a family of 4
Azariah, while still a little bit jaundice is beginning to feed well. We have had two eventful nights and staring down the barrel of a third. We are all settling into a bit of a routine. Sharlene and I both feel like we are a 'real' family now. Not just a couple with a baby.
We introduced Azariah to Diesel yesterday, which went well. Diesel has always been gentle with Zem and didn't disappoint us with Az.
We are really enjoying Az's facial expressions right now. He has SO MANY of them! He has little wind smiles that are very cute indeed. He also pouts, furrows his brows, and puckers his lips. He has a 'I'm bored of this' look and a 'you've got to be kidding' expression.
Azariah is also very strong. In the hospital before Sharlene was released, the physio commented on how good his muscle tone was. It shows when we try to dress him or put him in the car seat. Az bunches himself up into a little ball and we can't move his arms or legs very easily at all! Very different from Zem who was floppy, and who we had to be careful to support for months.
Zemiel adores Azariah. He has been very gentle with him...except for the noogie that he gave Az around dinner time...but otherwise very kind...except for dropping his toy train on him when he was showing it off...but otherwise he has been very accepting....except when dad is holding the baby, because that is not allowed....*sigh*
Seriously though, Zem is coping better than we expected. I have taken over a lot of interaction time with Zem, so I think he has removed his focus from mum and it is now squarely on dad. That way, the baby gets attention and he still gets attention. What will happen when I goes back to work?
Sharlene received a message from Education Queensland last week. We wonder what they wish to talk to us about. Already, doors are opening with Azariah being able to hear. Perhaps another door is about to open. It is an exciting time for us.
Well, enough of the jibber-jabber...time for some more piccies (and comments)...
I've seen my big brother do this...
This isn't as comfortable as it looks!
I don't like baths much...
But I do like getting warm and dry after a bath!
Asleep at last in mummy's arms.
Not to be left out or outdone...I will also include some pics of Zemmy who is looking more and more like a little boy all the time.
Friday, 3 July 2009
Home again, home again, jiggidy jig...
Today I brought Sharlene and baby Azariah home. It is great to have us all together again. Azzi's first night home went smoothly, and he has slept quite soundly until 8:00pm. We will see what the night still has in store for us. Last night in the hospital, Sharlene did not get much sleep, so perhaps tonight will be better.
Azzi passed all his tests today. He can hear, has great reflexes and the physio in the ward commented on how strong he was. (It took several attempts to carry out certain assessments). If Azzi doesn't want to stretch his arm or leg out, when we are changing his clothes, we don't have much chance of forcing him.
Zemmy is very interested in Az, however, he doesn't quite know what to make of him. There are already some small sparks of jealousy ocurring.
We all went over to Sue and Glynn Rigby's place this afternoon to say 'hello' and to collect some frozen meals that had been left there for us. We have a terrific church family who cares for us.
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Azariah joins the family!
He came a little sooner than we expected, but we are glad to have him with us. Our new baby boy has certainly got a mind of his own it would seem. On Tuesday, Sharlene went to have her regular check-up, but was told that perhaps something was not right with the pregnancy. We paid a trip to John Hunter Hospital that afternoon, and after an ultrasound was told that perhaps the baby was not growing. We were booked in to have the baby induced on Thursday morning (today). As it happened though, with all the poking and prodding that Sharlene received, she went into natural labour on Wednesday night and little Azzie was born shortly after.
New Baby Fact File:
NAME: Azariah Edward Cole
DATE: 1st July, 2009
TIME: 8:55pm
WEIGHT: 3.6 kg (7 lb 15 ounces)
LENGTH: 52cm
HAIR: short and dark
EYES: dark
Sharlene and Azariah
Zemmy meets his little brother
Azariah sleeping peacefully
Ben and Bec Gibbs were the first to visit us. Here is Bec holding Azzie for the first time. Ben and Bec looked after Zemmy for the time Sharlene and I were in hospital.