Monday, 13 October 2008

Zemmy pictures

Due to popular demand and in no way connected with the current 'credit crunch', here are some recent photos taken of Zem.

Check out the size of this silver beet leaf!

With some recent rain, our gardens are flourishing. Here are some shots of our top plots.

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Big Camp

Recently we went up to NNSW Big Camp. It was a fantastic program, and the quality of the speakers was generally pretty good. There was only one real downside, and that was that we were involved in a car accident. Our car, as far as we know, has been written off. We are generally fine. Sharlene recovering from bruising and whiplash, I will be getting x-rays for my wrist and Zem only got a small bruise on his shoulder. We were very fortunate that this is the extent of our injuries, and we were blessed to have been near the campground and we had many offers of aid.

This is what the front end of our car looks like now.

Whilst at camp, I decided to take some photos of the sunrise over Grassy Head beach.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Zemmy's MRI - New Date

Well, the boy was supposed to have an MRI this Friday, but by the looks of things, he's caught a sniffle bug and apparently that's bad. SO...the new date for his MRI is the 7th of November. Please keep this new date in your diaries - and to pray for his health as it is important that he gets this done.
